Thursday, June 30, 2011

Feels Like 1990 All Over Again!

I admit it.  I watched wrestling as a kid.  I fondly remember the days of Hulkamania, of Macho Man and Miss Elizabeth, of the idea of a perfect, Arthurian kingdom in which good always trumped evil and a simple leg drop set the world aright.  How things change! 

Now, Linda Hogan (I wonder if her publisher insisted she still use that name or if it was her choice?) has her memoir of celebrity life, minus the glamour.  Originally, I dismissed this as yet another lurid effort to cash in on the spotlight, and why not?  It's almost impossible to avoid the publicity tour for this book if you live in the States.  Linda Hogan has been everywhere telling her tale of abuse, survival, and strength, from The Today Show to Piers Morgan Tonight.  It's the type of exposure that would make an indie author blush!  Recently, the Hulkster himself also hasn't been shy about stating his side of the marriage, and even The Ultimate Warrior (remember him--and yes his real-life name is Warrior) jumped in at one point to comment on the marriage.  Feels like 1990 all over again, doesn't it?  Ring that bell!

So how is the book?  Honestly, I've only sampled it out of curiosity and am debating a full purchase.  I may get shot for saying this, but I thought the book opened on an interesting note.  I can't help but feel that the opening image of digging (in addition to being a prefatory metaphor for Linda's life) is a conscious jab at those who label Linda a gold digger and let her go at that.  The book almost immediately seems to jump to her roots and early family life, with a dig or two at the Hulkster along the way, which hasn't held my interest quite as much, but it does give some sense of perspective on a woman usually dismissed as a reality star past her fifteen minutes of fame.  Whether or not I believe Linda's message of survival and female empowerment is more than a marketing angle remains to be seen.  However, I can't dismiss the book as I expected to based on the sample, and I do think Linda spoke well with Piers Morgan a few nights ago.  The jury is still out on this one.  Regardless, I hope the Hogan family finds greater happiness in the years ahead than they have in the years now behind them.

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