Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Undead Invasion: Literary Classics...And Zombies

Walk in most book stores and you've no doubt seen Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith. 

The concept seemed clever: take Regency era language and elegance and turn them on their head (bad choice of words there!) by introducing a touch of the undead.  The work became a literary sensation, in part due to winning lines like these: [he] ''cut the two zombies with 
savage yet dignified movements. He then made quick work of beheading the slaughtered staff, upon which Mr. Bingley politely vomited into his hands.''  Mr. Grahame-Smith is indeed lucky Austen herself didn't rise from the grave and (politely, of course) use her tibia to do what Mark Twain once threatened to do to her.  Mr Twain's exact words: "Every time I read 'Pride and Prejudice' I want to dig her [Austen] up and beat her over the skull with her own shin-bone." 

In the age of zombies, Twain may have his chance to battle Austen after all.  Even if it isn't exactly hitting her on her skull, Twain can now take the war to words, as his equally beloved and reviled classic (The) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is now The Advenutures of Huckleberry Finn and Zombie Jim.   Forget sensitivity towards slavery--now, in alternate nineteenth-century America, the zombies have rendered the slave trade unnecessary and even the N-word has been banished.  Co-author W. Bill Czolgosz goes so far as to alter the beginning of the beloved classic for Huck to assure us that  "the widow better never hear that word come out of my mouth."  But all is not happy in zombie country.  Apparently, pox mutations cause the undead like Jim to get downright nasty, leading Huck to question his allegiances to his best undead friend.  This no doubt gives new meaning to their Mississippi River adventure.  If you're interested, here's a link to the book:

What's next?  Perhaps a Canadian zombie invasion with Anne of Green Gables: Zombie Slayer?

P.S. Oops.  According to this link (, it's Anne of Green Gables: Pixie Slayer.  Apparently, Anne of Green Gables: Zombie Slayer exists, but it's another production.  You can see info here:  I'll have to keep my undead Canadian heroines straight!

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